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Know That about Strategy

A Model for Strategic Decision-Making

The History of Strategy

History is the record of man's steps and slips. It shows us that the steps have been slow and slight; the slips, quick and abounding. It provides us with the opportunity to profit by the stumbles and tumbles of our forerunners. Awareness of our limitations should make us chary of condemning those who made mistakes, but we condemn ourselves if we fail to recognize mistakes. 

Basil Liddell Hart

Twenty four centuries ago, Sun Tzu explained that the strategist seeks the state of shih - the state at which his forces maintain a position of advantage over rivals. In that same era, the Greek historian Thucydides wrote that the events of the past "will at some time or other, and in much the same ways, be repeated in the future." For the next 24 centuries, he has been proven correct time and again. Please find links to key learning from the "History of Strategy" on the left hand side of this and every page.

Decisions can be categorized as Strategic, Operational and Tactical.  Knowledge about this domain breaks down as "know that" versus "know how">

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Mark and his associates provide a number of consulting and educational services, including:

  • Strategic Planning

  • Strategy Formulation

  • Team Building

  • Organizational Design & Development

  • Strategic, Market and Organizational Metrics

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