Book Review by Geoff Bellman
Pat McLagan probably did not know that the last 30 years of work with organizations were preparing to write this book. All that experience shows in this book, written especially for you and me. She knows that change is not dictated by management; she knows that it doesn't happen quickly; she knows that it takes real work on the part of everyone affected. She cuts through much of the complication by focussing on what one individual (namely: the reader) can do to make change happen around him/herself.
McLagan emphasizes belief, character, and action--and offers specific steps to strengthen yourself in each of the three areas. This one of the real strengthes of the book. She also engages you with questionnaires and suggestions and exercises--all of which make it more likely you will do something about what you've read.
And this book is not just about work; it's also about the changes you'd like to make in the rest of your life. Her change wisdom applies whether you are at home or at work; the basic dynamics are much the same. But be prepared to held responsible; she expects YOU to do something about it.
McLagan's writing style is engaging, and her book is layed out in an attractive and readable format. This is the kind of book that everyone on a work team (or a company) could learn from together.